Happy World Mangrove Day!
Why are we mad for mangroves?
We’ve been talking about the super carbon-storing powers of mangrove forests for a couple of years, and we’re still learning more.
Mangrove seatrees have a superpower that is incomparable to any other plant or tree on earth. With the power to sequester 5-10x more carbon than any forest on land, mangrove trees act as natural barriers between land and see. They stabilize the coastline, protect areas from sea-level rise and storm surges, improve the health of nearby coral reefs and provide critical habitats for hundreds of species around the world.
But mangrove forests are globally rare. Although they are found in 123 nations & territories, they represent less than 1% of all tropical forests worldwide.
Which is why this year we’re celebrating World Mangrove Day to raise awareness of the importance of mangrove ecosystems – and to promote solutions for their sustainable management, conservation and uses.
But wait, theres more…
This World Mangrove Day we are stoked to announce that we have officially planted over 2 MILLION SEATREES!
Out of these 2 million seatrees, almost 80% of them are mangrove seedlings planted with the local communities at our project sites in Kenya, Indonesia, and Baja, Mexico. We’ve planted most of our mangrove seatrees at the Malindi Watamu National Marine Park and Reserve in Kenya. For more information on this project and the incredible community that allows us to make this work possible, check out the video below.
We’re incredibly grateful to have achieved this goal. We couldn’t have done it without you. Each million SeaTrees we plant helps local communities and ecosystems around the world.
Each mangrove planted at one of our many project sites:
- Provides sustainable employment and generates economic opportunities for the communities in Mida Creek (Kenya), Biak region (Indo), and Laguna San Ignacio (Mexico). Community members are then able to provide meals to their families, pay for school fees, and gain access to health care with wages earned through mangrove nursery management.
- Helps to protect coastlines from storm-surges and sea-level rise.
- Creates critical habitat for hundreds of threatened species.
- Helps protect the surrounding coral reefs from sediment runoff.
- Sequesters carbon in one of the most efficient ways possible.
We need your help to keep these extraordinary ecosystems alive and thriving - or the future of our planet is at stake.
An estimated 67% of mangroves have been lost or degraded to date, and an additional 1% lost each year. As they are disappearing 3 to 5 times faster than global forest losses, we must remember that mangroves ecological role on this planet is critical to the survival of our ocean planet.
Plant a mangrove tree this World Mangrove Day - and help us protect these climate change superheros. Click here to get started!
What's next for SeaTrees? We're already working hard to find quality new projects where we can work together to plant + protect the next Million SeaTrees. Longer-term, our goal is to support 100 blue-carbon projects in threatened coastal ecosystems over the next 10 years = more mangrove and kelp forests, seagrass restoration, coastal watershed protection, coral reef rehabilitation, and more.
Thousands of people and hundreds of brands have joined us on our mission to take action on climate change by regenerating coastal ecosystems. It's through your support that we're able to achieve our ambitious goals - thank you!