This page details the UN Sustainable Development Goals being addressed by the SeaTrees project at Marereni, Kilifi, Kenya.
Regenerating Coastal Ecosystems Creates Sustainable Benefits
SeaTrees is working in collaboration with The Cleanwave Foundation, a Mediterranean based non-profit, on their MedGardens Seagrass and Macroalgae Restoration Project which seeks to holistically restore the marine ecosystem surrounding the well known tourist destination of Mallorca, in the Balearic Islands of Spain. This is our first-ever seagrass restoration project, supporting the restoration of one of three sites at Formentor, covering an area of 53,820 sq-ft.
The holistic project employs a variety of methods to achieve its goals, including research, marine debris removal, community engagement through education, hands-on training and volunteer opportunities, educational signage, and the promotion of a blue economy. The project has also collaborated with local authorities to implement more sustainable mooring equipment, which is vital in an area with high boat traffic.

Key Impact Metrics
- 600+ jobs created for the local community
- 40% of jobs are held by women
- Increased access to healthcare and food
- Provides training to the local villagers who will manage mangrove nurseries
- Protection of local communities from storm surges and sea-level rise
- Increase fishing activities and resources
- 30 mangrove trees will sequester 9 tons of CO2 over the 25-year lifetime of the tree
Sustainable Development Goals addressed by the project
SeaTrees evaluates this project annually to measure its impact on all relevant Sustainable Development Goals.
The Marereni project addresses nine SDGs. Read below for more details.

No Poverty
While Kenya has the largest economy in east Africa, 36% of its population still live below the international poverty line. This project generates economic opportunities for the communities in the Marereni area.

Zero Hunger
Community members are able to provide meals to their families with wages earned through nursery management.

Good Health and Well-being
In Kenya, although certain hospitals provide free medical care to patients, many medical expenses are still unaffordable for individuals living at or below the poverty line. However, by participating in mangrove tree planting initiatives with COBEC, community members have been able to generate income that they have used to purchase medications for their households and receive medical treatment at clinics.

Quality Education
While school fees for Kenyan public schools were abolished in 2003, families still face costs for uniforms, school supplies, and more. Proceeds from the project will support in paying school fees for beneficiary families, as well as provide training sessions to beneficiaries.

Gender Equality
The success of this project has been shown to rely heavily on women's participation. More than half of the community members involved in the tree planting and management of sapling nurseries are women.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
The project will create jobs/income for the community groups that will establish nurseries. Over 600 people will be employed planting on a regular basis which will assist people in renovating their houses among other things mentioned above. The project will provide short-term employment opportunities during the project period. Additionally, individuals will have the opportunity to invest in long-term enterprises with the amount they earn from the project.

Climate Action
The threat of climate change is a worldwide concern that impacts all societies. To address this issue, SeaTrees has partnered with COBEC to raise awareness of the project and educate community members on the advantages of conserving mangrove ecosystems. COBEC conducts training sessions for the Marereni community on monitoring mangrove growth and survival to guarantee the long-term success of the restoration efforts.

Life Below Water
The project area serves as important breeding grounds for many species of fish and is home to threatened species of turtles. Both seagrass and mangrove trees serve to trap sediments, benefiting local coral reefs and providing an important habitat for many marine species.

Life on Land
The project area is made up of fringing, estuarine, and creek mangrove ecosystems. These habitats are important feeding and breeding grounds and is home to baboons, monkeys, as well as an important passage and feeding area for flamingos.