Surftech Goes Ocean Positive!

Surftech Goes Ocean Positive!

We are excited to announce our ongoing partnership with Surftech. Founded in 1989, Surftech was born out of a desire to unite shapers and surfers by utilizing new technologies and distribution methods.

This unique relationship with the world’s best shapers has always allowed Surftech to make performance-enhancing boards available to surfers of all abilities worldwide.

As part of this partnership, Surftech is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by supporting SeaTrees reforestation projects while also reducing its plastic usage.

In addition to donating a portion of its sales to SeaTrees projects, Surftech has gone above and beyond by wiping out its carbon footprint and officially becoming an Ocean Positive brand - meaning they are sequestering more carbon emissions than they create and have a positive impact on the ocean and the life it supports.

Learn More about Surftech and their #oceanpostive commitment here.