Planting for a Positive Climate Legacy

Planting for a Positive Climate Legacy

That's a wrap on Earth Month 2022. Here is a big SeaTrees thank you to our planet, ocean, and community of amazing supporters that help turn our vision into reality during Earth Month and beyond.

Because of your continued support, we can wake up every day and work on changing our current climate trajectory. We are optimists at heart, and we need to be…because every month, we get a reminder of the state of planetary emergency that exists in 2022. 

Our friend Todd Woody published an article on the looming mass extinction of ocean life, based on scientific research from prior mass extinctions. We highly recommend this read, as it's important we all know the stakes and start taking steps in the right direction.

But keep in mind the ocean has the power to reverse climate change, and we can enable that superpower by protecting and restoring coastal ecosystems. At SeaTrees, we’re optimistic because helping nature grow and thrive is something human beings have done for most of human history.

Mangroves in the News

NBC recently released a segment titled ‘Mangroves have 'Superpowers' Against Climate Change; Scientists are Racing to Save Them’ explaining the urgency of restoring coastal ecosystems. This piece asks the same question we are: why, if mangroves are such a valuable tool in fighting climate change, are they being destroyed by the minute around the world?   

This video was filmed with our planting partners WILDCOAST, just south of our Baja, Mexico project site. Mangrove trees are one of the most underappreciated organisms in the world, and the CO2 stored in these forests is equivalent to the emissions from a quarter of a million cars driven for an entire year!

Like our own project, these restoration efforts target finding localized solutions to global problems and teaching the new generations to protect these vital ecosystems.  Learn more about our mangrove restoration project in Baja here.


A Calmer Mind, Deeper Sleep, and a Healthier Planet

We teamed up with our partners at Baloo for their Earth Month campaign, which is still running until the end of this week. Baloo is Ocean Positive, having wiped out their carbon footprint with SeaTrees, and by planting one seatree for every order placed in April, they're sequestering even more carbon than they produce. Find out more on how Baloo gives back here.

Self-Care = Earth-Care

Caring for our planet should be as important as caring for ourselves. Together with our partner Glo, we ​​are using the power of the ocean to remind people that our interconnectedness is not only with one another but with nature and our planet. Stay tuned to learn more about how Glo will be helping people to heal themselves and the earth throughout May for Mental Health Awareness month.   

If you want to find out more ways to support the protection, restoration & planting of seatrees and blue-carbon ecosystems around the world, sign up for our newsletter today!