We’ve been telling you a lot about the super carbon-sucking powers of coastal ecosystems. But, every SeaTrees project also does a whole lot more than sequester CO2. Everytime you plant a SeaTree you’re also helping to create a long list of positive impacts with the local communities connected to those coastal ecosystems. That impact has been growing on Biak Island in some extraordinary ways_
After spending a few days up past our knees in mud in early February, helping to plant the first mangrove seedlings with Eden Projects in our new mangrove forest restoration site, we decided to exchange dirty boardshorts & bikinis to search for some clean waves. In addition to some fun waves, what we discovered was one of the biggest, and youngest, change-makers in the entire Papua region.
When we first met “Benny from Biak”, we thought he was mainly going to guide us to some fun surf way off the beaten path. Benny’s knowledge of climate change and it’s pending impact on his island home was deep – and he became our local passport to spending time with the elders and children of his village to discuss how protecting their local mangrove forests is key to solving the climate crisis.
Benny amazed us with his commitment to creating a positive impact - so we’ve been supporting his efforts as a local sustainability teacher and activist, and he’s been sending us “Postcards from Benny” to share the positive impacts he’s been busy growing.
“My name is Benny and I live in Waryesi Village in Biak Papua, Indonesia. I work as a tourist guide, and I am part of a community that is working to protect the social, economic, and educational development of the region, as well as improve gender equality and human rights of the Waryesi people in, Supiori, West Papua, Indonesia.
Specifically, we’re working to provide chances for local youth to learn relevant skills for their future needs. We want to help them to develop their interests and talent in the local culture, arts, and wisdom; to foster the skills of critical thinking and global engagement; as well as to promote community economic development through culture-based tourism.
We have also been working with our community to focus on growing food locally. With travel restrictions and disruptions to shipments of food and supplies, planting and harvesting food from local gardens is helping provide essential food during this pandemic. It also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Good Health and Well-Being.”
Read Benny's full postcard here.

SPOOKED KOOKS make some of the best fun-machines out there (don't believe us - ask Laura Enever or Tessa de Josselin in the image sbove). Bonus - they're made from recycled plastics. Double bonus - every board plants mangrove SeaTrees!!!
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