Making Waves for Earth Month!
As SeaTrees long time brand partners, Head High Wines, continue their journey into 2024, they remain dedicated to contributing to something greater than themselves, doing so through global stewardship. Every decision they make is with purpose and commitment, from their glass choice to fruit picked, the environment is behind every move they make.
As the first Ocean+Positive wine brand, Head High takes pride in their efforts to wipe out their carbon footprint through initiatives aimed at rebuilding critical marine ecosystems worldwide. By partnering with SeaTrees, they are supporting our kelp forest and watershed restoration, and mangrove planting projects. These initiatives not only sequester carbon but also contribute to the overall health of our ocean.
This Earth Month, Head High will be donating 15% of all online sales during the month of April to support SeaTrees projects!
We can't thank them enough for this generous contribution toward reforesting our Ocean Planet.
Shop Head High Wines here!