Project Description
The Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park restores degraded mangrove forest, creates jobs and education, and protects many endangered species.
The project received VCS certification in 2018, and sequesters 180,000 tons of CO2 per year. It is the first VCS certified mangrove project in SE Asia.
Designed to restore nature
Six different mangrove species are planted, which creates a thriving diverse ecosystem that will withstand the test of time.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park restores 2,200 hectares of degraded land for three poor villages. It creates 500 jobs, and provides health care, education, and infrastructure that benefit 2,000 families.
Project Developer
Worldview International Foundation
A pioneering sustainable development NGO. WIF has worked in 26 countries over the last 40 years to improve the environment, society and economy. Mangrove restoration is a current major focus.