1 Million SeaTrees = A Very Happy Earth Day 🌏🌎🌍

1 Million SeaTrees = A Very Happy Earth Day 🌏🌎🌍


Since launching SeaTrees in June 2019 – we've been on a mission to plant + protect our first Million SeaTrees.  Drumroll please_

We have now planted 1 Million Seatrees!  

We’re incredibly grateful to have achieved this goal. We couldn’t have done it without you.  

While we're hard at work on what's coming next, we’re going to take today, Earth Day, to give Mother Ocean a high-five and dive into the positive social, economic and environmental impacts that those trees are creating.

1 Million SeaTrees =

Planting + protecting these SeaTrees =

  • Creating hundreds of sustainable jobs in Indonesia, Kenya, Cambodia and California
  • Providing critical lifecycle habitat for all sorts of fish, turtles, migratory birds, and mega-fauna
  • Soaking up a total of 300,000 tons of CO2 (*includes CO2 sequestered over the 25-year lifespan of mangroves + CO2 sequestered through kelp carbon export)

What's next for SeaTrees? We're already working hard to find quality new projects where we can work together to plant + protect the next Million SeaTrees. Longer-term, our goal is to support 100 blue-carbon projects in threatened coastal ecosystems over the next 10 years = more mangrove and kelp forests, seagrass restoration, coastal watershed protection, coral reef rehabilitation, and more.  

Thousands of people and hundreds of brands have joined us on our mission to take action on climate change by regenerating coastal ecosystems. It's through your support that we're able to achieve our ambitious goals - thank you!



Want to learn more about why we’re focused on blue-carbon ecosystems?

We love these little guides from our friends at 4ocean – nudge – you’ve got from now through end-April to get their SeaTree-planting Earth Month bracelet:

And this little piece from Scout featuring our Chief Scientist Kevin waxing on blue-carbon, kelp, and the superpowers the ocean has to help us solve climate change.

“Blue carbon is one of the most important and underutilized ways to fight climate change,” says Whilden. “It's the fastest way to get carbon from the atmosphere into the ocean where it needs to go. It's five to ten times faster at sequestering carbon than any other ecosystem out there.”


Take a positive step this Earth Month.

For the entire month of April, our Earth-loving friends at SeaVees are donating $5 from every pair of shoes sold to one of three non-profit partners. Last year’s donation from SeaVees helped us to expand kelp restoration in Palos Verdes, California and launch our latest kelp project in partnership with Reef Check California (more on that soon).

Think a friend might enjoy joining us on this journey? Pass this along! Or invite them to sign-up for more right here.