Compensate Your Flight Carbon Footprint with 11th Hour Racing Team and SeaTrees

Precio habitual $24.00

100% of profits fund our mission to protect and restore coastal ecosystems - turning the tide on climate change.

Once you have done all you can to measure, understand, and reduce your climate footprint, you can join the team in their support of nature-based solutions to address residual impacts. Introducing the 11th Hour Racing Team Compensation Collection:

Take this #OceanPositive action and we'll plant mangrove trees in Mida Creek, Kenya, and protect a REDD+, VERRA and CCBA certified, "ridge to reef" watershed project in the Southern Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia or along the Pacific coast of Colombia.

For each ton of CO2 created by your flight, your purchase:

  • Sequester one ton of CO2 with carbon credits from the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project in Cambodia.
  • Plant three mangrove trees in Mida Creek, Kenya which has the potential to sequester an additional 1.2 metric tons of CO2
  • Creates tree planting and management jobs for the villages of the Mida Creek region, and forest protection and ecotourism jobs for people living in the Southern Cardamom forest.
  • Protects biodiversity and threatened species such as dugongs (sea cows) and Irrawaddy dolphins in the Southern Cardamom Watershed, and protects critical habitat and nesting areas for sea turtles, Humpback Whales, and Indo-pacific Bottlenose Dolphin.

How much climate impact did your flight create?:

    • Short-haul flight (< 3 hours = 1 ton CO2)
    • Medium-haul flight (< 6 hours = 2 tons CO2)
    • Long-haul trips flight (< 12 hours = 4 tons CO2)
    • Ultra long-haul flight (18+ hours = 6 tons CO2)

Flight times listed as 1-way travel time.  CO2 footprint counted as a round-trip.

Uses latest CO2 emission factors according to DEFRA-2018, and a radiative forcing factor of 2.0 according to Jungbluth & Meili 2018. "What the heck is radiative forcing?"

Tax Deductible: Wiping out your impact is tax deductible in the USA. Keep your receipt!